www.andrehotzler.de is an offer from:

Andre Hotzler EDV-Dienstleistungen

Andre Hotzler

Freischützstr. 99
81927 Munich

E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Telefon: +49 89 32752128

VAT-IdNo: DE247898786

Technical implementation

The technical implementation and template programming is an own contribution of Andre Hotzler

Content Management System

This site is based on the Open Source Content Management System Joomla!

Image credits:

Logo lawyer: istockphoto / amsterdam
Lawyer: istockphoto / StefaNikolic
Background Lawyer: istockphoto / Chinnapong
Dentists: istockphoto / SeventyFour
Logo Dentists: istockphoto / nano99
Background Dentists: istockphoto / Chinnapong

Data protection declaration

I take the protection of your personal data very seriously and strictly adhere to the rules of the data protection laws. The same applies to all persons involved in these projects and the services associated with them.

Personal data is not automatically collected on this website.

Under no circumstances will the data not even collected be sold or passed on to third parties for other reasons, nor is there any such data.

Meta-Data that your browser transmits to the web server (time, request URL, request type, server response size, HTTP server response code, referer) is stored and evaluated, the IP address is made anonymous before storage. The stored data are not personalized and do not allow conclusions to be drawn about the user or his computer. The data is not merged or compared with other data sources and is only used for simple access statistics and error logging (e. g. pages that were not found). The deletion of the data takes place automatically at the latest after 7 days, within the scope of the data backup data remain stored up to 1,999 months.

The IP address is temporarily processed by the server and the web server software, as otherwise it would not be possible to deliver the website to the viewer; it is only stored and processed during this data transfer.

If you have any questions or other concerns (e. g. information or deletion) about data protection, please contact me directly, Andre Hotzler.

Access analysis with Matomo

The user accesses are analyzed on this page with Matomo. Matomo was set up in such a way that it works without cookies and the IP address is only processed in anonymous form. Thus, no personal data is collected.

Technical Cookies

The cookie is a small text file that is stored in your browser. This site uses only technically absolutely necessary cookies:

  • Cookie to save the page language (German/English).
    The cookie stores the language selection.
    This allows the visitor to the page to choose a different language than the page defaults to him, and this setting is retained even when visiting subpages. Certain URLS, such as .../tags.html, can also be called up in the URL without a language component (/de/ or /en/), so that the desired language can only be set via the cookie.
    Expiration: End of session

  • Cookie for saving the user registration (login).
    This cookie stores whether a user (specifically: Andre Hotzler) is logged in to edit the page or not.
    Expiration: End of session

Technically, the same cookie is used here for both purposes.

End of session means that the browser discards/delets cookies when closing the session (close/end browser).

The cookies are not used to evaluate visitor activities, nor are the data of the cookies combined with other data sources.